Updated on
March 12, 2025
A behavior is something that just happens during the run of the VR application at a given step. This can be used for instance to guide a user in VR (i.e. visual or acoustic hints), or to prepare the scene for the next task (animating, changing, en/disabling objects, etc.). For example, if a VR user has to interact with an object, a behavior could move that object closer, highlight it, or play an audio file with instructions.
In VR Builder, all entities form a tree-like structure. For instance, steps are children of chapters, behaviors and transitions are children of steps, and conditions belong to transitions. Parent entities have full control over their children, notably their life cycles.
When a step starts activating, it activates its behaviors. After all behaviors are active, it activates transitions. Transitions, in turn, activate their conditions. The step checks until all conditions of any transitions complete. Then it starts deactivating, and deactivates the behaviors.
This means that if you want to do something at the beginning of a step, you have to implement its Activating stage process. If you want to do something at the end of the step after conditions are met, implement the Deactivating stage process.
Use behaviors to prepare the environment for conditions, or to clean it up afterwards. We do not support behaviors with Active stage processes. We advise against implementing them, as we have never tested that case.
As the example for this tutorial, we will create a "Set Scale" behavior.
It can be used, for instance, to spawn a new objects by increasing the scale from 0 to 1. Since it does not instantly appear but increases over a short time, this will feel more natural to the user VR.
We will also make the behavior versatile by making the target scale and duration of the animation parameters. This way, the same behavior can be used to let objects disappear, become smaller, or become bigger as well.
Let's get started!
First of all we need to create a base class for the behavior. In this class we store the definition of the behavior as well as the behavior data and runtime functionality.
The Unity Editor only recognizes files inside the project's Assets folder. Create it there. Name it SetScaleBehavior or any other way you prefer, and make sure to change the file's extension to .cs.
Open this file in your favorite IDE or text editor. Make sure that the file is empty. Insert the following:
----------------------------------------using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using VRBuilder.Core;
using VRBuilder.Core.Attributes;
using VRBuilder.Core.Behaviors;
using VRBuilder.Core.Configuration;
using VRBuilder.Core.SceneObjects;
This way we declare which namespaces we use in this file. These namespaces contains the whole functionality that we need for our behavior.
The base class has the basic Data property already. Create an instance of your data class in the behavior's constructor and assign default values to its fields.
To create a behavior, we have to inherit from the Behavior abstract class and define the data and the process.
Insert this code after the namespaces usages:
/// <summary>
/// Set the selected scale of selected objects
/// </summary>
[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class SetScaleBehavior : Behavior<SetScaleBehavior.EntityData>
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IStageProcess GetActivatingProcess()
return new SetScaleProcess(Data);
To define a process, you have to override a method that corresponds to the target stage: GetActivatingProcess(), GetActiveProcess(), or GetDeactivatingProcess().
An entity could contain multiple processes, up to one per stage. By default, these methods return EmptyStageProcess processes, which do nothing. An entity always expects a process instance from these calls: they should never return null.
Now we need to define the behavior's data. It would contain a target scale, an animation's duration, and a reference to a the target objects. Assuming that we want to scale an object at the beginning of a step, we need to implement the stage process for the Activating stage, which would change the scale of the object every frame. When it has to fast-forward, then it must set the scale to the target value immediately.
We need a C# class file which will contain the data class of our new behavior. Now, we have to declare it, as well as the properties that we will need. A data class of any behavior has to implement the IBehaviorData interface.
public class EntityData : IBehaviorData
/// <summary>
/// Rendered Name of the behavior
/// </summary>
public string Name => "Set Object scale";
/// <summary>
/// Process object to scale
/// </summary>
public MultipleSceneObjectReference Targets { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Target scale to set to object
/// </summary>
public Vector3 TargetScale { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How long the scaling process should take
/// </summary>
public float TargetDuration { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Metadata associated with the behavior
/// </summary>
public Metadata Metadata { get; set; }
Insert this class in the SetScaleBehavior.cs inside the main class. Your code should looks like this:
Any data object has to be serializable. This is needed so that VR Builder can persist the information and the compiled application can run the process by deserializing our data. VR Builder uses the same mechanism to display on and store changes made in the Process Editor and Step Inspector.
This is why the Target property is a MultipleSceneObjectReference and not an ISceneObject: We cannot serialize scene objects, but we can serialize references to them. We could also have chosen a SingleSceneObjectReference instead. This would allow us to reference multiple objects, for example an object group, and apply the behavior to all of them at the same time.
To mark classes and properties as serializable, we use [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes from the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace.
----------------------------------------// Declare the class to be serializable (so we could save and load it).
// The parameter is mandatory.
[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class EntityData : IBehaviorData
/// <summary>
/// Rendered Name of the behavior
/// </summary>
public string Name => "Set Object scale";
/// <summary>
/// Process object to scale
/// </summary>
public MultipleSceneObjectReference Targets { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Target scale to set to object
/// </summary>
public Vector3 TargetScale { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How long the scaling process should take
/// </summary>
public float TargetDuration { get; set; }
We could use the data class already, but the Step Inspector would label the TargetScale property without spacing between the two words. To fix it, use the [DisplayName] attribute from the VRBuilder.Core.Attributes namespace to give our behavior and our data properties a better name:
// Declare the class to be serializable (so we could save and load it).
// The parameter is mandatory.
[DisplayName("Set Object scale")]
[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class EntityData : IBehaviorData
/// <summary>
/// Rendered Name of the behavior
/// </summary>
public string Name => "Set Object scale";
/// <summary>
/// Process object to scale
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Objects")]
public MultipleSceneObjectReference Targets { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Target scale to set to object
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Scale")]
public Vector3 TargetScale { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How long the scaling process should take
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Duration")]
public float TargetDuration { get; set; }
Insert this class in the SetScaleBehavior.cs as a local class. Your file should looks like this now:
/// <summary>
/// Set the selected scale of selected objects
/// </summary>
[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class SetScaleBehavior : Behavior<SetScaleBehavior.EntityData>
[DisplayName("Set Object scale")]
[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class EntityData : IBehaviorData
/// <summary>
/// Rendered Name of the behavior
/// </summary>
public string Name => "Set Object scale";
/// <summary>
/// Process object to scale
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Objects")]
public MultipleSceneObjectReference Targets { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Target scale to set to object
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Scale")]
public Vector3 TargetScale { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How long the scaling process should take
/// </summary>
[DisplayName("Target Duration")]
public float TargetDuration { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Metadata associated with the behavior
/// </summary>
public Metadata Metadata { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IStageProcess GetActivatingProcess()
return new SetScaleProcess(Data);
Now we need to define the process of the scaling behavior. It will read and modify the data as it will take the target and apply a new scale to it over a given duration in seconds.
Assuming that we want to scale an object at the beginning of a step, we need to implement the stage process of the Activating stage. If we wanted to scale an object at the end, we would implement a Deactivating stage process. If you want the VR designer to choose, check the source code of the PlayAudioBehavior.cs.
IStageProcess is a generic interface. To make a stage process compatible with a data class, you have to pass the data class as a generic parameter of the interface when implementing it.
We just declared all four methods that belong to the IStageProcess interface. Now we have to write the code that will scale the target scene object. We have a process structure like this now:
/// <summary>
/// Process class to set the scale if the current step is executed
/// </summary>
private class SetScaleProcess : StageProcess<SetScaleBehavior.EntityData>
/// <summary>
/// Local object references to scale
/// </summary>
private readonly MultipleSceneObjectReference sceneObjects;
/// <summary>
/// Local target scale to set to object
/// </summary>
private readonly Vector3 scale;
/// <summary>
/// Local target duration
/// </summary>
private readonly float duration;
/// <summary>
/// Time at which the scaling started
/// </summary>
private float startedAt;
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Process entity to work on</param>
public SetScaleProcess(EntityData data) : base(data)
sceneObjects = data.Targets;
scale = data.TargetScale;
duration = data.TargetDuration;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void Start()
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IEnumerator Update()
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void End()
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void FastForward()
Now we have add to add the functionality to scale every object in the Update function. The behavior of the update is like the the mono-behavior update the update function is called every frame. At the start of the stage process, we will record the current time and initial scale. The target, as any other Unity scene object, has a transform that stores its position, rotation, and scale. We will retrieve the reference to it, too.
In Update(), we will linearly interpolate between the initial and target scale depending on the time passed: every frame, the objects will shrink or grow towards the target scale. Afterwards, we will set the scale to the precise value in the End() method. If the stage process has to fast-forward, the Update() method will not iterate completely. We will handle it in the FastForward() method by assigning the target scale to the object.
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IEnumerator Update()
// Take the start time to scale over time
startedAt = Time.time;
// Get all selected objects to scale
List<ISceneObject> objects = sceneObjects.Values.ToList();
// Get all local scales to start with
Vector3[] initialScales = objects.Select(o => o.GameObject.transform.localScale).ToArray();
// Iterate over all objects over time
while (Time.time - startedAt < Data.TargetDuration)
float progress = (Time.time - startedAt) / Data.TargetDuration;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
var scaledTransform = objects[i].GameObject.transform;
//Request that the selected object need to be modified
//set the local scale to the target scale
scaledTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(initialScales[i], scale, progress);
// wait until the next frame
yield return null;
This behavior is not displayed in the Step Inspector yet. We will explain how to do it in the section "Creating menu items".
If you click on an "Add Behavior" or "Add Condition" button in the Step Inspector, it will display a list of available options. If you select one of them, it will add a new behavior or condition to the step.
We have created a fully functional behavior in the previous chapter, but we still miss it in the list. "Add Behavior" and "Add Condition" buttons do not display behaviors or conditions directly. Instead, they display menu items. A menu item defines the label to display and the way how it creates a new entity for a step. VR designers would be able to use our behavior only after we create a menu item for it.
A menu item is an instance of a class that inherits from MenuItem within the VRBuilder.Core.Editor.UI.StepInspector.Menu. A menu item class is an Editor script, so you must create a file for it under the Editor subfolder of the Assets folder.
The MenuItem class is generic. Use IBehavior as the generic parameter. Once the class compiles, the Step Inspector will find it on its own.
The base class declares one property and one method that you have to implement.
The Step Inspector uses the DisplayedName property as a label. This property returns a string. If you use forward slashes ("/") in it, the Step Inspector will split it into submenus.
When a user selects one of the items, the Step Inspector calls the GetNewItem() method and adds the result to the list of entities.
Call the new file SetScaleBehaviorMenuItem.cs and copy the following:
----------------------------------------using VRBuilder.Core.Behaviors;
using VRBuilder.Core.Editor.UI.StepInspector.Menu;
public class SetScaleBehaviorMenuItem : MenuItem<IBehavior>
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string DisplayedName { get => "Custom/Set Scale"; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IBehavior GetNewItem()
return new SetScaleBehavior();
If you have named your behavior in a different way or placed it under a namespace, adjust the code accordingly.
Open the Unity Editor, let the changes compile, and then click the "Add Behavior" button in the Step Inspector. You will see the menu item in the list.
You can create multiple menu items for a single behavior. If you modify the behavior's data in the GetNewItem() method, you will effectively create different presets of it.
Each behavior or condition of our base template has a help button in their header. The button is linked to a webpage. If you would like to add your own link, add a [HelpLink] attribute above the behavior class.
----------------------------------------[DataContract(IsReference = true)]
public class SetScaleBehavior: Behavior<SetScaleBehavior.EntityData>
//Your Behavior code as shown above
If you wan to change the editor icon to the VR Builder Logo follow the instructions in the Unity Working in the Inspector manual for custom icons. The name of the VR Builder Icon is vr_builder_component_icon.
What custom behaviors and conditions are you planning to implement? Join our community to discuss with other VR Builder developers on how to do it and share your extensions! Maybe someone built something similar already that you can pick up on.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create custom behaviors for VR Builder. It is intended to be read by Unity / C# developers. If you are new to coding, you can still follow the guide but many concepts might not be clear for you directly. We also included some links for further readings that might help you.In addition to following this step-by-step guide, you can download the final behavior for reference.