
VR Builder has been adopted successfully across many different industries. These are the most promising!


In a recent study conducted by Nokia and EY, the sector of transportation, supply chain, and logistics stood out.

Only 6% of companies from this sector deployed XR hands-on training but a staggering 39% want to do so within the next year!

If you are among the 39% who want to be part of the 6%, you came to the right place. Let us show you what our partners and we have accomplished in this sector already!

VR Training in logistics
Example of a VR training for a packaging process. You can see a tape roller and a highlight of what to tape.
Example project of VR Bits showcasing a VR training application for working with cables and pliers.


VR training has proven especially valuable when preparing employees for handling expensive equipment or dangerous scenarios, which is common for manufacturers.

Whether your company produces automobiles, heavy machinery, electronic devices, or anything else: The odds are: VR training will help you improve quality and reduce costs.

VR Training For Manufacturing


The medical industry can benefit from XR technologies in a vast range of applications. From using virtual reality to train medical professionals like surgeons, nurses, and first responders to providing them remote assistance thanks to augmented reality, the possibilities seem endless.

Medical use cases
A surgeon experimenting with a haptic arm
VR Training being used in industry

Many more!

Our expertise and the expertise of our partners stretch far beyond the above mentioned industries. If you are curious about projects we have worked on in your industry, just get in touch!

Let's talk about your Industry

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