Cognitive3D Integration

Updated on

December 12, 2023


Cognitive3D is the best in class analytics platform for VR/AR simulations. This Add-on will allow you to track events in VR Builder and report them to the Cognitive3D platform. If you are new to VR Builder, we strongly suggest getting familiar with the basics in the core documentation, also available in the asset's folder. The Documentation for Cognitive3D can be found here.



  • This add-on requires VR Builder version 3.3.2 or later to work.
  • This add-on is based on Cognitive3D 1.3.9. Earlier versions might work, but they are untested.

How to Install

  1. First, ensure that both Cognitive3D and VR Builder are present in the project.
  2. Import the Unity package for this add-on; it will be placed into Assets/MindPort/VR Builder/Add-ons/Cognitive3DIntegration/.

Process Behaviors

This integration includes the following process behaviors which will make use of the Cognitive3D Unity Plugin.

Cognitive3D Behaviors

Send Custom Event Behavior

This can be used for tracking a step before or after its execution is happening. It is possible to attach a Cognitive3D DynamicObject to the event to add more context to an event. For more infos, have a look at the Cognitive3D documentation about SendCustomEvent and DynamicObject.

Note: It is possible to extend this behavior to add additional data to the CustomEvent.

End Session Behavior

This can be used to end a tracking session during a running training. For example, if multiple persons do the same training without restarting the Unity scene in which the training runs. For more info, have a look at the Cognitive3D documentation on EndSession.

Ready to get Started?

Download Vr Builder*