
The medical industry provides a great range of applications for XR technologies

Research Project VIRTOSHA

Together with our partners University Hospital Bonn, TH Köln, and Haption, we are revolutionizing the training of surgeons.

For this use case, providing realistic haptic feedback is essential. This is only possible with accurate modelling and synthesization of hard and soft tissue.

In addition, our goal is to provide a solution which surgeons can use to create their own new VR training content.

More about VIRTOSHA
A surgeon experimenting with a haptic arm

Example Projects from our Partners

Our partners have vast experience in creating XR applications for the medical sector. Here are a few example projects.

Case Study ARRIVE

University of Bremen used VR Builder to improve first-aid training of their ARRIVE project.

The working group "Digital Public" is researching how stressors can impact the effectiveness of training first-aid in VR. These results may not only benefit medical professionals but also first responders from the common public.

More about "ARRIVE"
A screenshot from the VR training application ARRIVE from University of Bremen

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