The aim of the VIRTOSHA project is to create a virtual reality training environment with haptic feedback for surgical operations on hard and soft tissues.


Combining Excellence to Drive Innovation

Training surgeons in VR provides a great variety of challenges. To be able to solve them and create a valuable solution, the combination of unique skills and capabilities is needed. The biggest technical challenge for VIRTOSHA is the accurate simulation of haptics.

Medical expertise to define the goal and guide the development is provided by Kristian Welle and Julian Marques from UKB (University Hospital Bonn).

The simulation of hard and soft tissue will be provided by Kristoffer Waldow, Arnulph Fuhrmann, and Turhan Civelek from TH Köln, which will be turned into high quality haptic feedback by haptic arms from Haption under supervision of Jérôme Perret.

To further improve the accuracy of interacting with virtual objects, sensor data from different sources will be merged by Björn Krüger and Anna Jansen from UKB.

David Lähner and Markus Wellmann from MindPort are adding an authoring layer so that a large library of different operations can be created by the medical experts themselves.

The VIRTOSHA team (from left to right): Anna Jansen, David Lähner, Markus Wellmann, Kristoffer Waldow, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Turhan Civelek, Björn Krüger, Jérôme Perret, Kristian Welle, Julian Marques

The VIRTOSHA team (from left to right)
Anna Jansen, David Lähner, Markus Wellmann, Kristoffer Waldow, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Turhan Civelek, Björn Krüger, Jérôme Perret, Kristian Welle, Julian Marques

The Consortium

About the VIRTOSHA Project

Authoring software will enable the creation of various scenarios, where tissue and bone properties can be parameterized to simulate different patients. By analyzing real operations on patients and specimens, the steps and options of the procedure are captured, including the behavior of tissue, implants, and tools, as well as the haptic feedback. Using the authoring tool, different processes and avatars can be linked together to create new training sequences. Correct simulation of the tissues and the precise integration of hand movements are crucial for immersion. The Krüger group’s main focus is on improving hand tracking, based on VR tracking information, sensor readings, and potentially cameras as additional data sources. This effort aims to enhance the accuracy and responsiveness of hand motion capture within the virtual environment, thereby increasing the realism and effectiveness of the training. The haptic interaction with tools is based on a drilling and screwing simulation to be developed, which will be implemented with haptic arms and allow for realistic manipulations. Further features for an educational experience include the representation of tissue characteristics during manual and tool-guided interaction, as well as realistic rendering. All components will be connected via a data hub that manages all processes and structures and serves as the system’s interface. The entire training environment is to be developed at the UKB (University Hospital Bonn) to create a meaningful teaching tool in close collaboration with medical users.

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